As the economic and financial crisis is going on, stimulated by remedies which sound worse than the disease, L’Aquila summit outcome shouldn’t be worse than the London one, held on last April 2nd, which ended into bubbles…
In a discouraging mood which is shaking the most praised financial and economic dogmas and experts, an unusual distraction bursts on the scene: the Pigeon Shooting.
We could say Witch-Hunting, but it doesn’t fit as well…
Déjà vu: when the defeat is in the air, also titled people (and media) adjust fire…
By the way, Italy has always a good pigeon reserve, ready on all occasions, to offer to this shooting practice.
In a discouraging mood which is shaking the most praised financial and economic dogmas and experts, an unusual distraction bursts on the scene: the Pigeon Shooting.
We could say Witch-Hunting, but it doesn’t fit as well…
Déjà vu: when the defeat is in the air, also titled people (and media) adjust fire…
By the way, Italy has always a good pigeon reserve, ready on all occasions, to offer to this shooting practice.

Ai fini della crisi economica e finanziaria che avanza incontrastata, aggravata da rimedi peggiori del male, il summit de L'Aquila non potrà andare peggio di quello di Londra del 2 aprile scorso, finito in una bolla...
In un clima di sconforto, che sta ora intaccando anche i dogmi dei soloni della finanza e dell'economia globali, irrompe sulla scena un inedito diversivo: il Tiro al Piccione.
Si potrebbe parlare di Caccia alle Streghe, ma non calza altrettanto bene...
E già, quando la disfatta è nell'aria, anche i personaggi (e media) più blasonati al mondo "adattano" il tiro...
In Italia, abbiamo sempre in serbo una buona riserva di questi volatili, da offrire per l'esercizio di questa pratica venatoria...
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