U.S. Gross Domestic Product: Fourth Quarter (Advance Estimate)
> U.S. Economy Grew Anemic 0.7% in Fourth Quarter
> https://www.bea.gov/newsreleases/national/gdp/gdphighlights.pdf
> U.S. economy grinds to near halt at end of 2015
(Nel grafico, proposto da CNN, le proporzioni tra le colonne non sembrano perfettamente rispettate)
February 26, 2016
U.S. GDP in Fourth Quarter 2015 revised to 1% according to the Second Estimate...
March 28, 2016
U.S. GDP in Fourth Quarter 2015 revised to 1.4% according to the Third Estimate...
With some concerns... Concerns over US GDP data
Furthermore... Atlanta Fed sees Q1 2016 U.S. GDP growth of less than 1 pct
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