
Fifteen more banks were closed and added to the list over the latest 30 days:
> five on Friday 6th November, in Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri and California;
> four from 13th to 20th November, in Florida and California;
> six on Friday 4th December, in Georgia, Ohio, Illinois and Virginia.
On 4th December 2009, the total number of failed banks since the beginning of 2009 is 130.

Fifteen more banks were closed and added to the list over the latest 30 days:
> five on Friday 6th November, in Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri and California;
> four from 13th to 20th November, in Florida and California;
> six on Friday 4th December, in Georgia, Ohio, Illinois and Virginia.
On 4th December 2009, the total number of failed banks since the beginning of 2009 is 130.
Marketwatch reports on the latest six ones as follows:

130 banche dichiarate fallite e chiuse dal 1° gennaio di quest’anno ad oggi (4 dicembre) dall’Agenzia Federale FDIC, di cui 15 nel corso dell’ultimo mese in diversi Stati dell’Unione, come sopra dettagliato.

130 banche dichiarate fallite e chiuse dal 1° gennaio di quest’anno ad oggi (4 dicembre) dall’Agenzia Federale FDIC, di cui 15 nel corso dell’ultimo mese in diversi Stati dell’Unione, come sopra dettagliato.
Marketwatch relaziona sulle ultime sei banche fallite al link sopra riportato.
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