Fallimento banche USA: aggiornamento del 22 gennaio 2010

Nine more banks were closed since 1st January 2010:
> Horizon Bank (Bellingham, Washington) on Friday 8th, the first one of the new year;
> Town Community Bank & Trust (Illinois), St. Stephen State Bank (Minnesota) and Barnes Banking Company (10 branches, Kaysville-based since 1891, Utah) on Friday 15th;
> Premier American Bank (4 branches, Miami-based, Florida), Bank of Leeton (Missouri), Charter Bank (8 branches, Santa Fe-based, New Mexico), Evergreen Bank (7 branches, Seattle-based, Washington), Columbia River Bank (21 branches, The Dalles-based, Oregon) on Friday 22nd.
Standard- Examiner reports on Barnes Bank:
The Wall Street Journal reports on the latest five ones: http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB10001424052748703822404575019681776963858-lMyQjAxMTAwMDIwMjEyNDIyWj.html#
The total number of failed banks last year was 140.

Nine more banks were closed since 1st January 2010:
> Horizon Bank (Bellingham, Washington) on Friday 8th, the first one of the new year;
> Town Community Bank & Trust (Illinois), St. Stephen State Bank (Minnesota) and Barnes Banking Company (10 branches, Kaysville-based since 1891, Utah) on Friday 15th;
> Premier American Bank (4 branches, Miami-based, Florida), Bank of Leeton (Missouri), Charter Bank (8 branches, Santa Fe-based, New Mexico), Evergreen Bank (7 branches, Seattle-based, Washington), Columbia River Bank (21 branches, The Dalles-based, Oregon) on Friday 22nd.
Standard- Examiner reports on Barnes Bank:
The Wall Street Journal reports on the latest five ones: http://online.wsj.com/article_email/SB10001424052748703822404575019681776963858-lMyQjAxMTAwMDIwMjEyNDIyWj.html#
The total number of failed banks last year was 140.
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