The chart was published in February 2009. The economic events which occurred in the latest 6 months and some further information we have now about the matter, allow some updating:
> The “Gaussian” line representing the World Oil Production hasn’t changed: perhaps the current decreasing phase is due to a decreasing world demand for oil owing to the crisis more than the much discussed problem of the oil field reduction and exhaustion or other…
> The World GDP has suffered a strong drop…
We are waiting for the next evolutions…
> The “Gaussian” line representing the World Oil Production hasn’t changed: perhaps the current decreasing phase is due to a decreasing world demand for oil owing to the crisis more than the much discussed problem of the oil field reduction and exhaustion or other…
> The World GDP has suffered a strong drop…
We are waiting for the next evolutions…
Il grafico è datato febbraio 2009, ma gli accadimenti di questi ultimi 6 mesi e quel di più che oggi si conosce consentono un aggiornamento:
> La "gaussiana" della produzione mondiale di petrolio resta tale: fase discendente forse più per la riduzione dei consumi a causa della crisi economica che per l'annosa questione dell'esaurimento dei giacimenti o altro...
> il PIL mondiale ha subìto una bella contrazione...
Vedremo gli sviluppi...
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