domenica 23 agosto 2009



Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC) on Friday 21st announced four more bank failures, pushing this year's total number of failed banks up to 81.
The latest one is Guaranty Bank of Austin (Texas) with total assets of about $13 billion, which joins list of biggest U.S. bank failures of all time...
/// - Here is the most voted comment to this article, which reminds another, much, much heavier list...:
"Take that stupid list off, cause here is the truth:
September 15th 2008:
Citibank Failed
BofA Failed
JP Morgan Failed
Washington Mutual Failed
Wachovia Failed
Wells Fargo Failed
Goldman Sachs Failed
Merrill Lynch Failed,
Morgan Stanley Failed,....
Lehman was the Smallest Failure of the day.
I was there, Where you?
Do NOT bs me, Do NOT re-write history".
[Author's nickname: JohnnyCreepy]
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La Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), la sera di venerdì 21 agosto, ha annunciato il fallimento di altre 4 banche, portando a 81 il numero totale di banche fallite da inizio 2009.
L’ultima in ordine di tempo è la Guaranty Bank of Austin (Texas) che, con total assets pari a circa $ 13 miliardi, entra nel novero dei più grandi fallimenti bancari di tutti i tempi…
/// - Il commento (a questo articolo) più votato dai lettori, riportato sopra in versione originale inglese, fa un’altra lista, di gran lunga più pesante…
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